Meaning of The High Priestess

The High Priestess - instinctively understands the inner workings and connections between nature, philosophy, human process, the esoteric realms and space.  


The High Priestess bares the Cross symbol at her heart - meaning that at the heart of her very being she is intimate with the ways of nature, knowledge, and God. The unfolding mystery of life is the core of her knowledge. Much like the Magician, the High Priestess is unquestioning of her knowledge and power. There is no question of source or validity - her knowledge simply "is". She is aware of the motions of nature, the movement of spiritual matters, and she has acute awareness of the stirrings of the mind.


The High Priestess aspect in each of us is our sovereign faculty of the INTUITION of the HEART and our path in the development of that quality.  

Bird Oracle, The High Priestess and living by the OMENS taking the non rational guidance of the HEART - instinctively understanding the inner workings and connections between nature, philosophy, human process, the esoteric realms and space. The High Priestess bares the Cross symbol at her heart - meaning that at the Heart of our beings we are intimate with the ways of nature, knowledge, and God-Spirit. The unfolding mystery of life is the core of her knowledge. Much like the Magician, the high Priestess is unquestioning of her knowledge and power. this is about learning to TRUST YOUR HEART ... we are changing out of this previously mind-centric culture. There is no question of source or validity - her knowledge simply "is".She is aware of the motions of nature, the movement of spiritual matters, and she has acute awareness of the stirrings of the mind. The High Priestess in each of us is our sovereign faculty of INTUITION of the HEART... and our Journey in developing that beautiful essential compass. 




Ancestral  Soul Tree

Ancestral Soul Tree Drawing Workshop & Ceremony

Sufi Immersions

This Mystic pathway of the Sufi has its origins with Sufi Sheik Adnan Sarhan of Sufi Foundation of America. It involves breathwork, meditative movement, veil dancing, sacred drumming, whirling & the Zikr chanting. 

Barn Owl Earth Mandala

Gympie Faery Festival May 2019

The Earth Mandalas are participatory Temporary Earth Artworks. The imagery comes up through the Earth and through my Soul in the led up to the Event. Natural local Materials.

Listening to  Earth